Many businesses rely on metrics for measuring outcomes and results and assisting with their decision making. Successful businesses realize the value of metrics and key performance indicators (i.e., KPIs) as measures of the activity and effectiveness that drives results. As an organization, we utilize metrics to measure progression, output targets, and overall, the organization’s success. As the Racial Equity and Social Impact (RESI) portfolio moves toward its second-year anniversary, we recognize the importance of leading diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work with real metrics that drive change. Metrics allow us to clarify client service expectations. In other words, metrics serve as a baseline of understanding the clients’ diversity, equity and inclusion needs. When engaging with clients, we utilize metrics to help us understand:
Where the company has been in relation to internal DEI work.
What the company hopes to learn or attain from the CenterState CEO RESI experience.
Whether there are areas of DEI advancement for the business.
The business’s intended next steps of engagement in the DEI journey.
These baseline points help inform the decision making that allows us to lead successful, impactful, and meaningful engagements with local and national clients.
Businesses spend more than $8 billion a year on diversity, equity and inclusion work1, yet many of these efforts have been unsuccessful due to ineffective measurable tools. We recognize the importance of creating spaces for safe and sincere conversations, but we also enhance our engagement through one of our standard metrics, a Cultural Climate Assessment (CCA). Many businesses don’t know where to start when it comes to strategic and long-term DEI planning. A CCA is one of many ways we utilize metrics to help support and guide businesses through their DEI journey. Let us help your organization create a customized plan to turn intentions into measurable actions through interviews and focus groups, internal policy analysis, internal needs assessment and strategy development assistance, to set the stage for your business to create meaningful change.
-Dr. J.
Additional reference: Meaningful Metrics for Diversity and Inclusion | Include-Empower.Com (cultureplusconsulting.com)
Dr. Juhanna Rogers is vice president of Racial Equity and Social Impact at CenterState CEO. Contact Dr. Rogers at jrogers@centerstateceo.com to learn more about racial equity and social impact initiatives, DEI training courses and consultation services available through CenterState CEO.